How To Build A Relationship With A Customer by Honey Bubbles Wine Co-Founder Scott Roughgarden

How To Build A Relationship With A Customer by Honey Bubbles Wine Co-Founder Scott Roughgarden

Honey Bubbles Wine Co-Founder Scott Roughgarden: Say you come in and you’re like “I like this, this and this in a glass of wine. What can you bring to me?” You bring them exactly what they ask for. What does that do? It causes trust to happen.
I mean it depends on the forum, it depends on where you’re meeting the consumer. But like if someone is open, you find the avenue, you find that bridge of…how do I say it…of you find a mutual interest point that you can both meet at and then from there you build better a relationship.
I guess the example I would use from working at Shutters is recommending a glass of wine and if I were to pass anything off to any other server that had worked in the business, the strength of a recommendation is so powerful because say you come in and you’re like “I like this, this and this in a glass of wine. What can you bring to me?” You bring them exactly what they ask for. What does that do? It causes trust to happen immediately. And you’re like “Okay, I like his recommendation” and then you go there, and the next thing, the next thing, the next thing. Then all of the sudden you have a relationship with them and they’re asking questions about your life and what you’re doing, why you are in LA.
And that’s why, to answer your question in a roundabout way, you find out what a consumer wants and why they want to buy something and it just makes your job that much easier and directing them where they want to go.