Biggest Misconception About Building An App by Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Korman

Biggest Misconception About Building An App by Blurr Co-Founder Daniel Korman
Daniel Korman, Blurr Photo Sharing App Co-Founder: I think a lot of people and a lot of the reaction that we got back was like ‘Oh, that’s cool. But you won’t really do it.” And…
There were a ton of surprises a long the way in creating our idea and actually having something to put out and present to people. I think that a great misconception with people that have an idea is that they can’t do it.
We set out and obviously Blurr is the end product of many different things but we had this problem that we really wanted to solve and we didn’t know how we were going to do it and we didn’t now how it was going to get done or when it was going to get done. But we went to the library (us three) and we were like “We’ve got to solve this problem.”
Once we did that and started building our ideas and throwing things out there for people to understand and to react with, I think a lot of people and a lot of the reaction that we got back was like ‘Oh, that’s cool. But you won’t really do it.” And a big thing that I’m proud of and proud of Sam and Dan (and us three as a trio) is that we didn’t let that discourage us and we were like “We have this problem and we’re going to solve it. And we’re going to do it. It doesn’t matter how we’re going to do it. We’re going to solve this problem.”
It ended up being an app but I think for creating an idea, the biggest misconception is that people think that they can’t do it. And I think there’s a stat that 90% of ideas don’t even get executed. Actually executing it was huge for us. Getting it in the app store was huge for us.
I think it stems back from our athletic background. We come from very heavy soccer related backgrounds where there is no question of ‘Can you do this?’ It’s ‘When are you going to do it?’ We’re very goal driven and determined and I think it’s been great so far.
Question: What has stopped you from building an app?
Photo-sharing app Blurr is a remarkable way to give people instant access to every memorable photo taken around them.
Wise Heroes had the honor of catching up with these three amazing co-founders on what the app does, why they feel motivated on a daily basis and pitching their idea/product to investors.
Here are the first few videos in a series of many from the Blurr co-founders Daniel Arvidsson, Daniel Korman & Sam Marley, shot in Silicon Beach (LA).