Relocating A Tech Business To LA, Not SF by Blurr Cofounder Sam Marley

Blurr Photosharing App Cofounder Sam Marley: We’re those kind of people that want to be with something that is growing, not something that is peaking and you’re just getting in there to get the end of it and it’s insanely competitive and all of that…
It wasn’t like a one-hour thing where we were just like “let’s move.” It was one of those things where we knew we wanted to scout Boston and then it was like “Okay, where should we go?” And kind of like everyone is screaming to you “San Francisco, San Francisco! It’s the tech hub of the world, tech hub of the world…” And again, I think we knew ourselves like yeah we run a company that’s a tech product (it’s an app) but I mean us three we don’t fit in the tech world in a certain way. We can all do that and we’re fine sitting with a ton of developers and talking about apps all day long and talking about technology and all that, but that’s really not where our strong suit is. We know it’s in the event space. It’s using the technology to partner with going to sell it to people, you know? That’s what we’re strong at.
And everyone was telling us…(See the video here on Youtube).

Photo-sharing app Blurr is a remarkable way to give people instant access to every memorable photo taken around them.
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