How The Blurr Team Designed It’s App by Daniel Korman

How The Blurr Team Designed It’s App by Daniel Korman
Photo Sharing App Blurr, Co-Founder Daniel Korman:
How the designs were going to look. How the product was going to look. What we were going to offer. That was the fundamental building block into building Blurr.
We had the new name and we had momentum going with us and I think that any founder can relate to this, a feeling of you have a bunch of ideas floating around and you want to do so much. So it was a really exciting time and we felt like we had so many great ideas going, so much inspiration that we really had to emulate it in a way and put something, pen to paper, something. So we partnered with a design studio at NorthEastern actually called Scout. It was an amazing group and they did amazing work and that’s where we sat down and got the initial idea because of how the designs were going to look, how the product was going to work, and what we were going to offer.
So that was really the fundamental building blocks to building Blurr, where we set out, we sat down, meeting after meeting (numerous meetings) ironing out what do we want to give to people? What do we want them to get from them using Blurr? And that is how we got the idea that we wanted Blurr to be a simple and easy to use app for anyone. Whether it be a 12-year-old to a 70 to 80-year-old. It doesn’t matter. It has to be very intuitive, simple, minimal. And that’s where we started with the design studio at Northeastern. And it just snowballed. We had great minds sitting at the table thinking about what we wanted to do.
It was one of those things where you take a timeline and you think “This is what it’s going to take” and I would say multiply it by 5 even 10. So the designs…I mean it’s iteration after iteration after iteration after roll out after roll out. And it’s never just an overnight type of thing where you sit down and you’re like “This is what I want” and the next day deliverable is “Okay, this is what we’re going to market with.” It just doesn’t work like that. It’s getting somewhere. Seeing how people react with it. Seeing how you feel with it. Sleep with it for a few days. And then roll out a different version and then make some tweaks. And that goes for anything. That goes for the design of the product, that goes for the development, that goes for anything that we do. It’s kind of small successes and small victories. And roll out after roll out. Seeing how things go, reacting and responding to how people interact with it. That’s really what it’s about. So definitely a lot of iterations and a lot of different versions that get you to where you are. So where we are today, it may seem like we are a pretty young company but we’ve definitely been through many different phase up until now.
Question: Do you have any app designers you would recommend?
Photo-sharing app Blurr is a remarkable way to give people instant access to every memorable photo taken around them.
Wise Heroes had the honor of catching up with these three amazing co-founders on what the app does, why they feel motivated on a daily basis and pitching their idea/product to investors.
Here are the first few videos in a series of many from the Blurr co-founders Daniel Arvidsson, Daniel Korman & Sam Marley, shot in Silicon Beach (LA).